Author Name : Dishit Nathwani There are so many ways that soybean oil can be used in your life. Soybean is not just limited to cooking or deep frying anymore, it has become a staple in the daily lives of people all around the world. Soybean oil can be found in so many places - from packaged chips and cereals to cosmetic products like lipstick, moisturizers and lotions. Soybeans are rich in health promoting nutrients such as hospholipase, lecithin, fatty acids and proteins. Soybean oil is popularly known for its heart healthy benefits when consumed right out of the bottle. Soybeans are high in polyunsaturated fats which help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, blood pressure and promote cardiovascular wellness . There are also studies which suggest that daily Soybean oil consumption could even reduce your risk of getting colon cancer . Soybeans are also a good source of fiber which helps promote digestive wellness. Soybean oil has gained global popularity because it is an excelle...